Welcome from Diana
Thank you for visiting my website. It is a space for sharing work I have done with colleagues, friends, and family around the world over the past four decades. Wow.
Ubunto — I am because you are.
Nothing I have done, have I done alone. I have thrived working with others, supporting others on their leadership journeys, and walking side by side on the noble path of creating a world that works for all.
My own journey has been a life-long quest to accompany and support people, as they discover and live into what is best for themselves and their communities, by designing and facilitating safe relational spaces and structures, for dialogue, discernment and collaborative decision making.
The materials on the website are to be used. Share them, make them your own, and acknowledge credit as appropriate. May they support your continued success. May your good work in the world continue. May you work in the heart of seven generations. May peace prevail on earth.
I have come to this journey from a number of directions. First, a Ph.D. in organizational communication grounded me in social constructionism and large-scale systemic practices. Second, my adopted field of organization development provided a playground for experimenting with large scale, non-hierarchical, relationally innovative ways of working and getting results in corporations and communities around the world. Third, a fundamental feminist eye on the world led to a tendency to speak out, stand up and practice the pioneering assumption of equality. Fourth, a deep shamanic spirituality, nurtured in “sweat lodges,” on vision quest and by two decades of Sun Dancing at Hollow Horn Bear, in South Dakota opened portals to other ways of knowing and living with spirit as wise companion.
And finally, a part of my narrative I am just now able to share, walking everyday with physical disability as a result of childhood polio, has been, and continues to be a miraculous source of healing and learning about healing, acceptance, inclusion and deep listening to self and others. Today, I am grateful that my journey continues and that you are here sharing it with me.